Friday 13 August 2010

Boarded Up Windows Wiveliscombe

This afternoon on a visit to Wivey to do some shopping we noticed some boarded up windows in the unusual Court House building. Picture to the right.

Pretty sure they weren't that way when we last drove into town at the beginning of the week.

My guess is that they were replacing rotten wooden window frames -- but perhaps they were repairing vandalism?

Friday 6 August 2010

Charity Shop Wiveliscombe

A snap of the inside of the charity shop on the high street. Super 3 books for £1 offer now on!

Thursday 5 August 2010

The Simpsons at Kingsmead School Wiveliscombe

400 locals have reportedly signed a petition asking Kingsmead Community School in Wiveliscombe to stop teaching children at the school about the cartoon series - the Simpsons.

Kingsmead School currently have the Simpsons as part of the media studies course taught to 12 year olds.

The Simpsons are not listed in the national curriculum.

Many locals see the study of the Simpsons in class as a dumbing down of standards by the school.

Any comments?